Property Search
Find the properties you want to know everything about
The first step before retrieving property detailes, identifying comps, recommending rents or any other analysis is to find the property you are interested in. This endpoint allows you to search for properties by address, city, state, zip code, or property name. It works with typos and fuzzy matching, so you can be sure to find the property you are looking for.
This endpoint is free! Refine your search as much as needed.
Basic search
You can search by address, city, state, zip code, property name, or a combination of these.
Make sure query parameters are URL encoded. For example, a space should be encoded as %20
This returns a simple list of properties that match your search. You can then use the id
to get more details on a specific property.
Adding constraints
For automated searches, constrain results by zip code, state, or distance from a specific location.
Filter by Zip Code
Filter by State
Filter by Lat/Lon
Here is how to search for properties in a specific zip code:
Fuzzy matching
The search endpoint supports fuzzy matching, so you can search for properties even with a typo or two, or partial information.
Speed and performance
The search endpoint is optimized for speed and performance, so you can expect fast responses even when performing multiple searches in a short period of time.
It is perfectly fine to cache the results of the search endpoint, as the data does not change frequently. This can help improve the performance of your application and reduce the load on the API.
Full Documentation
Find more details about this endpoint our API Reference.