Rate Limits

Ensuring fair usage and reliability

To ensure fair usage and maintain the performance and reliability of our API, we have implemented a rate-limiting mechanism. This section provides an overview of the rate limits in place and how they affect API requests.

Rate Limit Policy

Our API rate limiter is designed to limit the number of requests that a client can make to our API within a specified time window. This is achieved through the following policy:

  • Time Window: The rate limit is applied on a rolling window of 1 minute.
  • Request Limit: Each client is allowed up to 500 requests per minute.
  • Header Information: We use the draft-7 standard for rate limit headers. These headers provide information about the current rate limit status, such as the remaining requests and reset time.
  • The rate limit is applied based on API keys derived from the request.

Rate Limit Headers

When you make requests to our API, you will receive the following headers, indicating your current rate limit status:

  • RateLimit-Limit: The maximum number of requests allowed within the current time window.
  • RateLimit-Remaining: The number of requests remaining in the current time window.
  • RateLimit-Reset: The time remaining in seconds until the rate limit resets.

Handling Rate Limit Responses

If you exceed the allowed number of requests within the time window, the API will respond with a 429 Too Many Requests status code. When this occurs, you should:

  • Wait for Reset: Check the RateLimit-Reset header to determine how long to wait before making more requests.
  • Implement Backoff Strategy: Implement a backoff strategy in your application to gracefully handle rate limit responses and retry requests after the reset time.