
Change Log


Include new amenities attribute to each unit object. These amenities come straight from property websites!


More realistic validation for parameters used for the /comparable endpoint. This will help prevent errors and improve the overall experience when using the endpoint.


Added availability_periods to each building_availability object to represent the periods this unit was on the market. Added period_id to each history object as a way to associate each price with an availability_period.


New Filters

The following parameters have been added to the /property/comparable endpoint:

  • allowNullNumberUnits - When used along with minNumberUnits or maxNumberUnits, it allows the endpoint to return properties with unknown number of units.
  • allowNullYearBuilt - When used along with minYearBuilt or maxYearBuilt, it allows the endpoint to return properties with unknown year built.
  • allowNullNumberStories - When used along with minNumberStories or maxNumberStories, it allows the endpoint to return properties with unknown number of stories.

By default, using any of the following filters will exclude properties with unknown values for the respective field:

  • minNumberUnits
  • maxNumberUnits
  • minYearBuilt
  • maxYearBuilt
  • minNumberStories
  • maxNumberStories

More granular settings for renovation

  • Added the renovations parameter to the /property/comparable endpoint - A float between 0 and 1 you can set to boost overall quality score and account for renovations. For example, a value of 0 means no renovations, while a value of 0.3 increases the subject’s overall quality score by 30% (a pretty heavy renovation)


  • The /property/comparable supports minDistance (in miles)
  • The /property/comparable accepts a simple_subject object with a simplified version of the subject property. This is useful when you don’t have all the details of the subject property, but you have a simplified version of it.


  • /property/search now supports ZIP+4 formatted zip codes for zip_code query parameters. For example, 90210-1234 is now a valid zip code.


  • Better error message when an api key is provided but has no access to the requested endpoint


  • New POST endpoint on /property to insert a new building on the platform


  • Increased accuracy and fill rate for floors on unit details (items of building_availability), thanks to a new approach to extracting them from unit names.


  • Deprecated specials field on PropertyDetails. Use specials_history on the same object to get the full history of specials instead.


/property/comparables additions: Added avg_quality and number_stories fields to aid in confirming comparable properties. 2024-02-14

API documentation revamp: New documentation launched for enhanced developer experience, including the latest updates, deprecations, and features. Endpoint migration: /rentsource/* endpoints are deprecated but remain accessible via /property/* endpoints. /property/comparables filtering expansion: Added minNumberUnits, maxNumberUnits, minYearBuilt, and maxYearBuilt filter parameters.